
As part of SHIFT, Jennifer will hold several conversations with artists (many of whom identify as learning disabled or neurodivergent), supported studio staff, curators and gatekeepers. First and foremost, these conversations will provide artists with a space to share their views around being creative and their experiences of the contemporary art world and how they are portrayed and treated. Early research findings from this project have shown Jennifer that learning disabled artists' visibility in galleries and museums is minimal, often being shown in spaces not considered as gallery spaces. Learning disabled artists also spoke of recognising that their work was seen to have little worth in comparison to art made by non-disabled people.

These conversations will address issues of why this might be, and provide possible solutions that will help to reverse these decisions and allow for wider promotion, recognition and respect for these artists. By bringing curators and gatekeepers to the table, frank discussions can take place regarding the role they can play in diversifying the work programmed into their spaces; how this art is discussed and written about, and how outdated stereotypes of learning disabled and neurodivergent artists can and should be addressed - with art history being rewritten.

New content will be added every month as the conversations grow, so do check back to see how it all develops.

BSL VIDEO - About SHIFT Conversations

Listen to an audio version of this text
ThompsonHall_RoyalAcademy_Acrylic on canvas_160x80cm_ImageCredit_AdamTiernanThomas.jpeg

Thompson Hall

In conversation, June 2021

Jennifer chatted to Thompson Hall about his art, its placing within the wider contemporary arts field and how comfortable he feels being a part of that field. 

Tom Breach + Danny Smith

In conversation, September 2021

Jennifer chatted with Tom and Danny from Shadowlight Artists about their art, where they would like to have it seen, the studio they attend, and what they'd say to curators who might not want to share their work due to them being disabled.

Photo of Tom and Danny, Shadowlight Artists


In conversation, October 2022

Jennifer chatted to Jyma about his work around disability rights and Christian art, how he would like to be known in the art world, and how the art elite need to widen their net.

Sonia Boué + Aidan Moesby

In conversation, Coming Soon

two b+w photos. on the left is sonia with short cropped dark hair, a pale hat, with dark rimmed glasses holding a cube with another eye over her left eye. on the right is aidan in a patterned shirt with mid lenth white wavy hair and dark glasses.